Vin Santo

Do you think that the Vin Santo is Old School?


Discover the Vin Santo of Villa di Vetrice….

Villa di Vetrice:
the revolution of the Vin Santo

it’s time for icons to shine: a masterpiece liquid, adorned with gift tubes like Pop Art cans.

Time and prejudice died yesterday,
the legend is Popular again.
Villa di Vetrice


…but how is the Vin Santo made?

Vin Santo del Chianti Rufina Riserva starts its history in the specially designed “Vinsantaia”, a space under the roof where the grapes (Trebbiano, Malvasia bianca and Sangio­vese) are hung from rafters to dry from the harvest until December. The Vin Santo is then sealed into small barrels (“caratelli”) for a minimum of ten years. The wine that is left after the long aging time (typically only 2/3) is then carefully separated from the lees and bottled.

Fresh, focused and elegantly open with a thick and exqui­site mouth-feel. 
On the palate it shows harmonious, with oil, toffee, walnut, leather, caramel and dried apricot character. Dried fig and orange peel accents lead to an everlasting finish.

Well-known the perfect combination with cantucci (traditional almond biscuits from Tuscany) but very good also with other (nut based) cakes, liver-pate dishes and complex cheeses. thanks to its multiple layers, long finish, acidity and good structure.

Discover the other wines of Villa di Vetrice: Chianti Rufina and Chianti Rufina Riserva.

Take a look at their Facebook page

Masseria del Feudo: new label

Logo Masseria del Feudo

Masseria del Feudo‘s has a new label.

The new vintage of the Syrah (2023) is now available with the fully revised label GrottaSira’



Why GrottaSira’?

“The district where Masseria del Feudo is located is called Grottarossa, and it is quite large and populated by various wineries. 
 We wanted to honour the caves are present inside the company, between the peach orchard and the vineyard.
Just as for The Grillo Voce di Lago we referred to our lake, for the new Sirah label we took the cave as a reference and our illustrator represented it surrounded by Mediterranean vegetation, Sicilian in particular with the colored prickly pears.”

Carolina Cucurullo – Masseria del Feudo

The wine

Vineyard: Vigna delle Rose 480 m above sea level
Soil: medium clayey texture
Training system: spurred cordon
Grapes: 100% Syrah, hand-picked
Vinification: Destemming, fermentation with indigenous yeasts and maceration in stainless steel tanks for 14 days at a controlled temperature, racking, brief aging in cement tanks and in the bottle.

Color: Intense ruby ​​red color with purple reflections.
Nose: The nose is characterized by an intense aroma of ripe red fruit, menthol notes and sweet spices that give it great complexity.
Taste: On the palate the entrance is soft, broad and enveloping, rich and balanced.
A savory wine, with personality and pleasant to drink.

100% organic

Check the www of the producer for more info

Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2024

Logo award Médaille d'or Concours Mnondial Bruxelles
Gold Medal for the Sauvignon Casali Roncali DOC Friuli Colli Orientali 2023 at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles! 
An important recognition that testifies to the excellence and quality of the wines of Cabert!
Casali Roncali Sauvignon concours mondial de bruxelles


Tasting notes: With an intense straw yellow color, it gives the wine refreshing aromas of citrus, fruits, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, passion fruit, elderberry, with notes of sage at the end. Mineral on the palate.

Vinification/fermentation: Harvested in two different periods, to capture all the complexity of this great vine, and subsequently stored for 5 days at controlled temperature, to than to ferment at low temperatures and preserve all the aromas that characterize it.

Aging: 4 months in steel tanks.

2 new awards for Pinot Grigio

Cabert is located in Bertiolo, a village in the heart of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Alps protect this region from the cold air of the north, while the proximity of the Adriatic maintains a mild climate.
This is a large area formed by the floods of the Meduna, Cellina and Tagliamento rivers which, over the millennia, have deposited enormous quantities of calcareous-dolomitic material torn from the mountain by the violence of the waters and dragged downstream along their bed. The large stone floor formed reflects the light necessary for the ripening of the grapes during the day, while at night it releases the heat accumulated during the hottest hours. This favors a more homogeneous ripening of the grapes and the development of a wide range of fragrances and aromas.

More than 60 years have passed since Cabert could be defined as a small winery. Over 200 hectolitres of wine are bottled every day and distributed to more than 25 countries.  Since the 1960s, the numerous expansions to the winery have never stopped, right up until the construction of the last piece in 2016, with the construction of a warehouse for products ready for shipment, stored in a controlled atmosphere to preserve all their qualities.

CABERT wines are born from the love for the land and from a long wine-making tradition integrated with cutting-edge technological innovations. The result is extreme attention to detail throughout all stages of production, and a deep respect for the terroir, the vines, and all their peculiar qualities. The fruit of passion, commitment and love dedicated to the wines to all those who already appreciate them, and to all those who will soon discover them.

Slow Wine 2025

header slow wine 2025

Slow Wine 2025: the results of the 2025 edition are out. Cantina Paltrinieri, Masseria Cuturi and Palazzone received the prize Top Wine.


About the guide:

A TOP WINE / VINO SLOW is the recognition to wines that represent an expression of place, originality, and history. A BEST BUY award is assigned to the wines with an excellent Quality-price ratio.
slow wine: seal top wine
Slow Wine Editorial Team
A SNAIL is given to a winery “that we particularly like for the way it interprets Slow Food values (sensory perceptions, territory, environment, identity).” Their wines represent the terroir, have a good quality-price ratio considering the environment they are produced in and represent a paragon of sustainable viticulture! We can surely say that, among the prizes we assign every year, this one is the closest to our values."
Slow Wine Editorial Team
The BOTTLE goes to wineries whose wines represent benchmarks in quality.
Slow Wine Editorial Team

And the winners are:

slow wine: seal top wine

Cantina Paltrinieri
Lambrusco Leclisse 2023

Campo del Guardiano 2021

slow wine: seal snail / chiocciola

Moreover we are proud to inform you that Masseria Cuturi and Palazzone received a Snail too.

Masseria Cuturi: we are talking about a family, originally from Veneto managing this beautiful estate in Puglia which includes a skilfully renovated farmhouse and many hectares of land. Among the woods, olive trees and vineyards. The Rossi-Chauvenets acquire a reality full of history. The farm, located in Manduria, was founded in 1881 and for centuries belonged to the Schiavoni family.

The current vineyard is about 40 hectares and is particularly fertile thanks to the organic substance contained in the soils and the water of the Chidro River that flows there.
Monte Diavoli Is a rocky formation that stands isolated in the middle of a vast flat area dominated by the Mediterranean Macchia. In the past it was the place where the Messapi kept the sacred fire of the rites of fertility. Today as then it is a mysterious and fascinating place.

More info?
Take a look at their website

Palazzone Vinibuoni Guide 2022

In 1969 the Dubini family bought the property “Palazzone”, constructed by Cardinal Teodorico at the bidding of Pope Boniface VIII as a hostel for pilgrims on their way to Rome to celebrate the Jubilee of 1300 A.D. 

The nature of the rocks of this area is made up of clays, silts and sands; 2.5 million years ago there was a seabed which have accumulated the finer sediments transported by ancient rivers that crossed what were then the few areas emerged.
24 hectares of vineyards planted on the hillside close to  Orvieto, between 210 and 340 mts a.s.l.  cultivated with the traditional grapes of Orvieto such as  Procanico and Grechetto primarily, but also  Verdello and Malvasia grapes.

But also international varieties: Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon for Muffa Nobilis and Viognier among the first to cultivate it in Italy.

More info?
Take a look at their website

Masseria Cuturi also received a BOTTLE.
This awards is reserved to wineries that have shown excellent average quality across all bottles. 


Torre Raone’s awards update

Nice awards by Vinous for Torre Raone.

The Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 2023 received 91 Points. The Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Riserva and Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Terre dei Vestini San Zopito have been awarded both with 92 Points.

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Terre dei Vestiti San Zopito 2016

Unique, inimitable and unforgettable wine takes its name in honor of the patron saint of Loreto Aprutino, San Zopito. 

An indigenous wine even in its name, Zopito being an exclusive name of Loreto Aprutino.

100% Montepulciano D’Abruzzo

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva 2019

The Wolf is one of the best known and most studied animals, a nocturnal animal and a protected species, it is the absolute protagonist of the Abruzzo fauna and of the large stone located behind Torre Raone.
 This Riserva is synonymous with elegance and refinement and tells the story of the company and the territory.

100% Montepulciano D’Abruzzo

Trebiano d'Abruzzo Senza Solfiti Aggiunti 2023

The Deer, a shy animal, tends to feed on shoots and its presence is clearly evident from the footprints it leaves in our vineyards when it goes in search of food. Solitary but also tender, this Trebbiano represents a real taste surprise.

100% Trebbiano d’Abruzzo


Founded by two friends driven by the same passion for wine, Torre Raone cultivates organic vineyards in the Abruzzo Apennines, enhancing local varieties for elegant and characterful wines.

The vineyards owned by Torre di Raone are located on different plots of land, all located at high altitudes, approximately 350 meters a.s.l., surrounded by the exceptional landscape of the Central Apennines.

More info?
Take a look at the website of Torre Raone

Vini Buoni d’Italia – edizione 2025

Vini Buoni d'Italia - edizione 2025

The results of the Vini Buoni d’Italia (Touring Club Italiano), edition 2025 have been published.

We are proud of all the crowns and the stars that some of our associated producers received.

Le Corone (Crowns)
  • Cantina Santadi, Carignano del Sulcis Superiore Terre Brune 2020
  • Icardi, Barbaresco Starderi 2021
  • Fibbiano, Costa Toscana Sanforte 2020
  • Masottina, Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Sp. Extra Dry R.D.O. Levante 2023
  • Masseria Cuturi, Primitivo di Manduria Monte Diavoli 2020
  • Monzio Compagnoni, Franciacorta Satèn Millesimato Brut 2020
  • Palazzone, Orvieto Classico Superiore Campo del Guardiano 2021
  • Paltrinieri, Lambrusco di Sorbara Rosso Frizzante Sant’Agata Bio 2023
  • Patrizia Cencioni,  Brunello di Montalcino Ofelio 2019
  • Pietroso,  Brunello di Montalcino 2019
  • Tenuta Sant’Antonio, Amarone della Valpolicella Campo dei Gigli 2019
  • Zenato,  Lugana Riserva Sergio Zenato 2021
  • Weingut Klaus Lentsch, Alto Adige Lagrein Riserva Laianus 2019


…but also 4 Stars for

  • Carignano del Sulcis Grotta Rossa 2022
  • Carignano del Sulcis Riserva Rocca Rubia 2021
  • Latinia 2019

…and 3 Stars forNuragus di Cagliari Pedraia 2023

Last but not least…

Terre Brune of Cantina Santadi entered the special list of the best 300 wines! 

Colour: Deep ruby red, light garnet tinges.
Nose: Rare, complex notes: plums and blueberries, sweet spices, bay, juniper, tobacco and chocolate.
Palate: rich, warm, mellow, fruity and spicy notes, suave tannins.

Excellent with roasted or grilled meat and game, aromatic and spiced dishes, medium to long seasoned cheese.

More Info?