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Zenato’s Recioto: 93 Pts by James Suckling

Zenato‘s Recioto 2019 has been awarded with 93 Pts by James Suckling.
Proud of such an high rating for this interesting dessert wine of Zenato.

Zenato's Recioto: 93 Pts by James Suckling

The wine:
Did you know that the term Recioto comes from the Veronese dialectal word recia meaning ear?

The name is used to denote the small side bunches that “crown” the larger clusters. According to local tradition, their fruit is considered to be the best.

This dessert wine lights up the glass with its vibrant nuanced colors. It’s marvelous when served with chocolate fondue but it also pairs well with any oven-fired dessert, like Verona-style pandoro, classic panettone, or even crunchy cookies.

Zenato’s world:

The story of Zenato is the story of a family that firmly planted its roots in the land. It was made possible thanks to the passion and entrepreneurial vision of the estate’s founder, Sergio, who managed to fulfill his greatest dream: to create a winery capable of harvesting the fruits of the earth and transform them into emotions with matchless flavor.

Today, more than 60 years later, the results are testament to his extraordinary vision. A wonderful story took shape thanks to his vision and today its star is his family: Wife Carla and children Alberto and Nadia.
Their eyes and their heart continue down the path that Sergio laid out with great clarity as he steadied the course toward quality and love for their land. Over time, that land wasn’t just Lugana but also Valpolicella, with its celebrated red wines and their matchless aromas.

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