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Gracciano della Seta: how is their vineyard fertilized?

Gracciano della Seta: how is their vineyard fertilized?

At Gracciano della Seta the fertilization of the vineyard is an essential practice for obtaining satisfactory productions in terms of both quantity and quality.

In Autumn, after the harvest we prepare the soil for the spreading of the green manure after which we immediately distribute an organic fertilizer to replenish the stock of nutrients to the vines.

For the green manure we use to sow the vineyard, we choose a select combination of crops with a predominance of leguminous crops rich in nitrogen-fixing bacteria that have the capacity to fix the atmospheric nitrogen in the soil.

The mix of crops: pea, fava bean, alexandrine clover, rye, oats and triticale.

The organic fertilizer distributed in November completes the fertilization of our vineyard. This treatment is rich in bird feathers compost, grape skins and olive pulp enritched with mycorrhizae and rizosphere bacteria. The feathers compost improves the capacity of water retention, mycorrhizae stimulates the absorption of the mineral nutrients and water, and finally the bacteria (Bacillus megaterium, Streptomyces beta-vulgari, Burkholderia sp) colonize the rhizosphere at the expense of pathogenic flora.

This is the process of organic fertilization used to mantain the soil in our vineyard making it viable and rich in biodiversity guaranteeing (hopefully) a plentiful harvest.

Source: Gracciano della Seta

More info about Gracciano della Seta and the wines may be found on their website