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new website Agricola del Nudo

New website Agricola del Nudo:  we kindly invite you to take a look at the renewed website of Agricola del Nudo

Simple, Clear and Pure: this is NUDO

The purpose

Nudo symbolizes “unvarnished, straightforward and purity”.
This is how the wine tastes: simple, clear and pure.
Sustainability is a top priority. Cultivated exclusively according to the rules of organic farming. The wines are fermented spontaneously. At Agricola del Nudo’s they only use sulphites in very small quantities and they only choose for the local grape varieties Vermentino, and Sangiovese but also Syrah.

The history

NUDO was born from the friendship between Stefano Bambagioni, a farmer from Maremma and Roland Krebser, a Swiss oenologist and is a project of the heart.

Stefano grew grapes using organic methods on his two-hectare vineyard. As an oenologist at a winery, Roland bought these grapes from him. That’s how they met in 2009 and that’s how the story began.

At first they only produced a small batch for families and friends. In the year 2012 the first major production of 3000 bottles for public sale started. Thanks to the wonderful cooperation and help of many friends, production was increased to a total of 24,000 bottles. Nevertheless, they have remained true to their philosophy.

The Wines: Excellent grapes from Maremma Tuscany

The wines are consistently grown and matured using organic methods. Great importance to collecting the entire harvest carefully by hand in small cassettes. The selection of the grapes takes place directly in the vineyard.

Vermentino Toscana, Rosato Toscana, Rosso Maremma Toscana, Rosso Costa Toscana